The origin of our name . . . Bad Dog Farm
The origin of the name Bad Dog Farm goes back to our very first dog. We were a young family and although we did not have any dogs starting out we always knew we wanted to have them some day. Unexpectedly, our daughter had the opportunity at a very young age to watch puppies being born. Returning days later, she had the unique chance to hold the first puppy she saw being born and of course a inseparable bond was formed. The little Boston Terrier puppy would be named Sweet Pea.
Well as luck would have it, Sweet Pea was anything but “sweet”! While we loved her very much, she proved to be quite a challenge. Always an escape artist, Sweet Pea would always manage to find new ways under the fence in the backyard or would slip out the front door when opened. These escapes were often during the most inopportune time resulting in wild chases trying to catch her which I’m sure were very entertaining to our neighbors. Usually, Sweet Pea would run herself out and when she was tired would cheerily return home with us. Unfortunately these escapes were often compounded by Sweet Pea creating some type of mayhem in the neighborhood. Despite her small stature, a mere 22 pounds, Sweet Pea would take on anything including larger dogs like a Boxer and even a Great Dane! Possums, snakes and other wildlife are also included in the list of animals she chose to take on.
Even our veterinarian had difficulties with Sweet Pea. Overly protective of us, Sweet Pea would growl and snap at the vet unless muzzled. She once managed to escape into the back of the vet’s office wreaking havoc running wildly around until the staff managed to finally catch her. We later found out she had a special “orange folder” which was a que to staff that the dog was one difficult to manage . . . . Needless to say, we have many entertaining and funny stories about the exploits of our first dog, Sweet Pea.
Over the years, we’ve had several dogs and we love all of them. While they all have had their challenges, none has rivaled those of our first dog. In honor of all our dogs, but especially our first, we’ve named our farm Bad Dog Farm.